Personal Property Tax: Some states require you to pay an annual tax on the value of your vehicle, while others charge different rates depending on your city.Below, we list the state tax rate, although your city or county government may add its own sales tax as well. Sales Tax: Most states charge sales tax on vehicles.Documentation Fee: Auto dealers typically charge their own fees to do all the vehicle-purchase paperwork.Lien Recording Fee: If you have a lien on the car (aka a loan), the DMV may charge you to record that lien on the title.When you buy a car, you’ll need to transfer the title from the previous owner or dealer to you. Title Transfer Fee: This is a legal document showing the owner of a vehicle.With, you get 4 or more locked in rates in just minutes. To make sure you’re saving the most on your policy, experts recommend getting at least 4 auto insurance quotes. Auto Insurance: The average cost of insurance can vary greatly from state to state and depends on a variety of rating factors such as your age, driving history, and insurance status.Some states allow you to transfer license plates from your old car to your new one, while others require brand-new plates. License Plate Fee: The license plate cost might be included in your registration, or billed separately.
One more thing: You might be able to get a vehicle registration tax deduction. Don’t delay! Many states charge extra fees for late registration. Some states have a flat rate, while others base the fee on the weight, age or value of the vehicle. As you can see here, vehicle registration fees are all over the map. Registration Fee: Your state will charge you a certain amount to register your vehicle under your name.